Ayurvedic Diabetes Reversal Program

Fix the root cause of Diabetes and get off the medication

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what our customers say

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Srinivasan Jayaprakashan

I was receiving treatment from Guduchi Ayurveda for two and a half months. At my first consultation with Dr. Yamuna B.S., my HbA1c levels were 12.4%, and my Random Blood Sugar was 502 mg/dL. Additionally, I was on insulin, taking 44 units daily. Due to complications from diabetes, I underwent amputation of fingers in the foot. However, after undergoing treatment at Guduchi Ayurveda, I felt that had I visited earlier, I might have been able to save my foot. Within just two and a half months, my HbA1c levels dropped to 5.7%, and my GRBS decreased to 124 mg/dL. I also noticed significant improvements in my overall health, including increased energy and a reduction in weakness. Moreover, my weight stabilized at 69 kg. Reflecting on my experience, I believe that had I followed Dr. Yamuna's advice and started treatment earlier, my diabetes may have reversed sooner, potentially preventing the need for finger amputation.

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2) Ashwini N

HbA1c - 11.3 % to 7.3% Sugar Level – 278 mg/dL to 163 mg/dL Medication – 2 Nos to Nil (Tablet – Udapa Trio – 1- Dapaglifiozin, Sitagliptin & Metformin & Tablet. Amaryl ) Duration – 30 days When I visited Guduchi Ayurveda in February 2024, my HbA1C result was 11.3%, and I was suffering from associated complaints of diabetes. My day-to-day activities were a struggle due to symptoms like excessive sleepiness, lack of energy, and weakness throughout the day. Additionally, I experienced weight loss. At the time of consulting Dr. Yamuna at Guduchi Ayurveda, I was taking two allopathic medications for the same complaints. Within 10 days of the treatment offered by Dr. Yamuna, my blood sugar levels dropped drastically. On the first day of consultation, my random blood sugar was 157 mg/dL, and 10 days later, it decreased to 111 mg/dL. I noticed significant improvements in my weakness, sleepiness, and energy levels. My weight also stabilized at 65 kg. Dr. Yamuna instructed me to stop the allopathic medication after that. Within just one month, my HbA1c levels dropped to 7.3%. I am continuing the treatment of Dr. Yamuna and I am feeling very positive changes.

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R Srinivas

Insulin - 16 units in a day to No Insulin GRBS – 346 mg/dL to 135 mg/dL Duration : 40 Days - (25th march 2024 to may 13th ) I had been suffering from diabetes for 17 years and was on allopathic medication. When I first visited Guduchi Ayurveda on March 25, 2024, I was experiencing frequent micturition, numbness in my fingers, and urinary retention. These complications severely affected my daily life. At that time, I was taking 16 units of insulin and Glycomet GP 2 tablets. My Random Blood Sugar (RBS) was 346 mg/dL. Upon consultation with Dr. Yamuna BS, I began Ayurvedic treatment. Remarkably, within just 40 days, I was able to stop taking insulin. The associated complications of diabetes have been completely resolved. I no longer experience urinary retention, numbness in my fingers, or muscle spasms. Furthermore, my HbA1c levels have dropped to 7.3%. I am immensely grateful for the treatment and care provided by Dr. Yamuna BS at Guduchi Ayurveda. This holistic approach has significantly improved my quality of life.

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Sumithra Devi

Medication – 1) T. Trivolib 2 – Combination of 3 tablets - Glimepride, Metformin, Voglibose – Now No medication HbA1c – 8.8% - 5.6 % Duration – 5 months I had been suffering from diabetes for 17 years and had been taking Trivolib 2 (a combination of Glimepride, Metformin, and Voglibose) for a long time. Due to diabetes, I was unable to carry out daily activities. I experienced various complications such as body pain, joint pain, frequent urination, and a burning sensation in my legs, which made my day-to-day life very painful. On a friend's recommendation, I visited Guduchi Ayurveda and consulted Dr. Yamuna. After starting treatment with Dr. Yamuna, I began to notice changes within a short time. My body pain and the burning sensation in my legs were treated within 14 days. Following Dr. Yamuna's guidance, I eventually stopped taking all other medications. Remarkably, my HbA1c level dropped from 8.8% to 5.6%. Wthin six months, my diabetes has completely reversed, and I am now leading a healthy life.

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Insulin – 35 units to 15 units Medicines – T. Dapanorm Duo, T. Glycomet Trio GRBS – 181 mg/dL – 94 mg/dL Duration – 30 days I have been receiving treatment for diabetes mellitus (DM) from Guduchi Ayurveda for the past month, and I have seen significant improvement in a short time. When I first consulted with Dr. Yamuna at Guduchi Ayurveda, I had been suffering from DM for 17 years. My diabetes complications, including frequent urination, dry mouth, burning sensation in my legs, and gastritis, were severely affecting my daily life. Additionally, I was on 35 units of insulin, Glycomet Trio Forte, and Dapanorm. Besides diabetes, I was also dealing with prostatomegaly, high blood pressure, obesity, and moderate hepatomegaly with Grade 2 fatty liver. Dr. Yamuna advised me to follow a personalized, healthy diet plan and prescribed a minimal number of medications. Within a month, I was able to stop all diabetes tablets, and my insulin dosage was reduced to 15 units under Dr. Yamuna's guidance. I feel much more comfortable and healthier after committing to the Diabetes Reversal Program at Guduchi Ayurveda with Dr. Yamuna.

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Asha Roshan

FBS – 148 mg/dL – 103 mg/dL PPBS – 597 mg/dL to 170 mg/dL GRBS – 376 mg/dL- 244 mg/dL Insulin – 44 units to 6 units Duration – 2 months I had been suffering from diabetes and its complications for over ten years. I was taking a daily total of around 44 units of insulin: 36 units of Insulin Mixtard and 8 units of Insulin Lantus. Despite this, my HbA1c levels were alarmingly high at 16%, and my random and postprandial blood sugar levels were 376 mg/dL and 597 mg/dL, respectively. I experienced various diabetes-related complications such as constipation, numbness, burning sensations in my legs, and frequent urination, especially at night. These issues severely impacted my daily activities and mental health. The routine of taking insulin injections and frequently checking my blood sugar levels made my life extremely difficult and painful. Meeting Dr. Yamuna at Guduchi Ayurveda was a life-changing moment for me. She prescribed a minimal number of medications and focused on lifestyle modifications and dietary changes, which had a significant positive impact. My blood sugar levels decreased rapidly within a short time. Through proper assessment and regular follow-ups, Dr. Yamuna gradually reduced my insulin intake from 44 units to 6 units within two months. I am still undergoing treatment under Dr. Yamuna, and I am hopeful that I will be able to completely stop taking insulin soon. Additionally, all my diabetes-related complications have improved, and my daily life has become much easier and pain-free.

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