If you want to lose weight then first thing you should do is correct the liver function 

"Make my liver great again"

3 potent Ayurvedic herbs to correct the liver function are

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How to use

Add half tea spoon of powder to 2 ltrs to water & boil the water, till it reaches the boiling point. Store the water in hot water flask and keep sipping this hot water mix all through the day.

How to prepare the above combination at home to correct the liver function

Take 5gm of fine Amrita herb powder, 5gm of fine triphala powder and 5gm of fine musta herb powder and mix them well.


If you find it difficult to make the above combination at home, you can buy it here at a special price of Rs 599 Rs 499/- only and correct the liver function.

3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda
3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction. - Guduchi Ayurveda

3 potent herbs helps in liver function correction.

Rs. 499.00

G2O water mix is a unique combination of herbal powder that aids in Aids in correcting the liver function.

  • keeps the stomach, small intestine and large intestine healthy by flushing out toxins from the body.
  • Stimulates fat breakdown in the body and helps in weight loss.
  • Helps keep digestive tract clean and strong. 

"Love liver - live longer "

How to check if the liver function is really improved after consuming the above herbs for a month

Go for a liver function study and lipid profile study before using the 3 potent herbs combo for liver function correction and repeat the study after consuming it for a month.

Scientific studies that proves the efficacy of these potent herbs as Hepatoprotective

After 3 months of consumption you can say - Shut up liver - you are fine 

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Read some of the before and after test reports of Lipid profile changes

Guduchi Ayurveda Offers 13 days weight loss program

Inspired by Ayurveda Shodhana process which cleanses the body at cellular level. Individuals have lost an avg of 4kg weight in 13 days.

Connect now to know more.

Click below to download the details of our 13 day weight loss program.

"With Great liver comes great fat metabolism "

Succesful liver function correction - Customer testimonial

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Sudesh Satyen


 After some research, I found that g20 is the best for me because it has helped correct my fatty liver.

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 I decided to try G20 for a month. The results have been very good so far. I have more energy in the mornings and my liver function is improving. In fact, all my lab reports are coming back better than before I started taking G20

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I started using G20 and it has helped me improve my liver function and metabolism in just a few weeks!

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I have been using the G20  for about a month now and it has already improved my lipid profile.

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