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Alopecia areata is a disease that affects the hair follicles, which are part of the skin from which hairs grow. In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches about the size of a quarter. Many people with the disease get only a few bare patches. Some people may lose more hair. Rarely, the disease causes total loss of hair on the head or complete loss of hair on the head, face, and body.


Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Normally the immune system protects the body against infection and disease. In an autoimmune disease, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks some part of your own body. In alopecia areata, the immune system attacks the hair follicles.

The cause is not known. Genes may play a role. For people whose genes put them at risk for the disease, some type of trigger starts the attack on the hair follicles. The triggers may be a virus or something in the person’s environment.

Few causes are

  • Stress
  • Dietary imbalance
  • Chronic Illness, long term medication or surgery
  • Medications
  • Blood thinners
  • Drugs for gout
  • Chemotherapy for cancer treatment
  • Vitamin A
  • Birth control pills
  • Antidepressants
  • Blood pressure and heart medications
  • Any kind of Allergy
  • Radiation exposure
  • Infections
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Anaemia
  • Hot oil treatments
  • Hair getting pulled by various hairs styling like by hair rollers, Pigtails, Cornrows.


  • Tingling area where the hair has been lost.
  • Uneven loss of hair, usually on one side of the scalp, over a short period of time.
  • Healthy hair near the bald patches can be pulled out easily.
  • Your fingernails may develop pitting.
  • Hair narrows as it gets closer to the scalp, resulting in an “exclamation point” appearance.


    • Lavender: Studies have shown that lavender, when rubbed into the scalp at the point of the initial baldness can slow or even reverse the effects of Alopecia areata. This essential oil, since it is so powerful, should be diluted into base oil before being applied, such as almond or coconut oil. Other essential oils, including peppermint, sage, and rosemary oils can also be used on the scalp to stimulate blood flow to the scalp, thereby causing hair follicles to hear or even begin growing hair again.
    • Vitamin C-Rich Diet: One of the healthiest ways to reduce the effects of Alopecia areata is to eat as much vitamin C as possible, which is found in citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. The other minerals and vitamins found in kelp also help stimulate the growth and protection of hair, which can slow or reverse the condition.

    Herbal Remedies:

    These sorts of remedies are famous all around the world, and while the availability of certain herbs might be difficult, depending on where you live, the use of ginkgo and milk thistle are always good for hair loss and Alopecia areata. Ginkgo helps to stimulate circulation and the growth of new hair, while milk thistle helps to detoxify your body and has been linked to protecting the health of your scalp and body hair.

    • Onions: There are a variety of home remedies involving onions, including onion juice, which can be applied directly on the scalp. The high sulphur content helps to stimulate circulation and new growth, while the antiseptic quality of onions kills scalp-borne infections or microbes that might contribute to the hair loss conditions. Furthermore, onion skins are often rubber on the scalp area that is losing hair.
    • High-Silicon Vegetables: Vegetables such as potatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are commonly turned to reduce hair loss, primarily due to the high silicon content found in their skins. Silicon is known to strengthen hair and nails, making your body less susceptible to Alopecia areata and related conditions that cause hair loss. Massage the bald patches with the outer skin of these vegetables multiple times a day for best results.
    • Coconut Milk: By applying coconut milk mixed with a gram of flour to the scalp, you can guarantee a quick recovery of your lost hair. This paste quickly stimulates the hair follicles and boosts the overall health of your scalp.
    • Aloe Vera: This plant is highly stimulating in nature and dramatically increases circulation of the blood to any area of the body, but is particularly effective in terms of promoting scalp development and recovery. You can apply Aloe Vera gel liberally to your scalp, as it has very few side effects, but many health benefits if absorbed by the skin.
    • Green Tea: Dipping a cloth into green tea and wiping or dabbing the bare patches of your scalp can be very effective as a remedy for Alopecia areata. The catechins, saponins, and general antioxidants present in green tea can stimulate the regeneration of healthy cells on the scalp and eliminate any free radicals beneath the surface of the skin that may be causing the hair loss. 
    • Chinese Hibiscus: Mix the petals of the hibiscus flower with some dandelion oil and apply it to the scalp. This flower has been associated with maintaining the health of the hair when it has not fallen out, such as eliminating split ends and improving volume and lustre, but it also stimulates the rejuvenation of hair follicles in the case of Alopecia.
    • Licorice Root: Licorice root has long been considered a mollifying agent and a relaxing substance. It relaxes and opens the pores, thereby allowing nutrients into the scalp, and it also soothes the scalp and eliminates irritations that may cause flaking or dry, dead hair. It is ideal for eliminating dandruff, hair loss, and split ends, as well as reversing the effects of this condition.
    • Fenugreek: Studies have shown that fenugreek has certain hormone stimulating components that actually help to rebuild hair follicles that have been destroyed or damaged through the condition of Alopecia. The various proteins and organic compounds found in fenugreek seeds also help to regrow hair and improve the defensive capacity of your scalp against conditions like Alopecia areata

    Tips To Prevent

    Managing stress

    Stress and hair loss have a lot in common, they both reflect the body's health. As you are exposed to more stress, you will look tired, restless and your body and hair will suffer. 

    Tips to kill stress include:

    •   Don't Rush While Eating
    •   Meditate
    •   Get Enough Sleep
    •   Be Positive & Affirmative
    •   Find Time to Distress at Work
    •   Spend Time Outdoors
    •   Take Deep Breaths

    Adjusting Your Diet

    Alopecia may also occur due to dieting. Diet programs which are designed or administered under the direction of a physician with prescribed meals, dietary supplements and vitamin ingestion have become popular. Furthermore, many of these supplements are high in Vitamin A which can magnify alopecia. Dieting can result in hair loss if they cause iron deficiency. Iron and zinc supplements should be taken if the diet does not produce enough on its own. If someone is anaemic this can cause excessive alopecia.

    Some foods you should add to your diet to increase hair health include:

    • Fruits-melons, berries, bananas, oranges, apples and many other fruits can supply your body with the proper vitamins to reduce hair loss.
    • Vegetables-while all vegetables will provide your hair with additional vitamins, the ones that offer the most benefits are those of the green leafy variety, including spinach, cabbage, etc.
    • Dairy-increasing your dairy intake, including milk, eggs and cheese, can increase your hair's overall health by providing it with the vitamin B-12 as well as protein.
    • Water-consuming at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day will help transport the needed nutrients to your hair and help keep your hair strands hydrated and strong.

    Daily Hair Care

    No matter how beautiful you are, if your hair is rough and brittle you will lose beauty on your contour. Always, keep in mind hair are an essential part of our body and need special attention and

    • Avoid tight hairstyles
    • Cleaning / Shampooing
    • Proper combing
    • Be gentle with your hair. Avoid pulling it tightly. If pulled over a long period of time, receding hairline can occur. 
    • Do not pull your hair tightly into a ponytail, cornrows or curlers.


    The purpose of shampooing is to remove any dirt or impurities from hair making them clean and tidy. Harsh shampoos will just cause the sebaceous gland to overcompensate by producing more oil than necessary. It is advisable to wash your hair daily or alternate days using Amazing Herbal shampoo or any baby shampoo diluted with water.

    Proper Combing

    We advise to use a comb rather than hair brush to help your hair grow healthy and shiny. You should comb your hair every day with careful gentle 15-20 strokes. Combing hairs help us in several ways;

    • Stimulates the blood flow thereby nourishing the hair follicles
    • Prevents hair breakage and split ends.
    • Helps in keeping hair naturally moisturized as this transfers natural skin oil from the roots to the tips of the hair.
    • Remove flaky scales from the scalp.
    • Combing the scalp helps keep your hair healthy and can also promote hair growth. It is also an effective way to relax. It, which in turn prevents and fights avoidable hair loss, and re-establishes the natural development of healthy hair.