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WINTER CARE TIPS - Guduchi Ayurveda


1. Try to take the necessary diet in the winter. Try to add the fruit and fruit juice to your diet.
2. Apply the petroleum jelly on the face, lips, hands, legs.
3. Do not take the hot water baths. The hot water takes out the moisture in the skin then the skin becomes dry. So try to avoid the hot and long baths in winter.
4. The chapped lips are one of the problems this winter. Apply the petroleum to the chapped lips. Use the lip scrubs for lip care in the winter.
5. Dry skin is a major problem in the winter. Use the natural moisturizer in the winter.
6. Try to cover most of the body with clothes. Do not expose the skin to the cold air.
7. Do not apply makeup products with high alcohol content. Do not use the beauty and hair styling products too much in winter.
8. Use natural moisturizers like butter, oils, glycerine, etc. in the winter. Not to choose the chemical moisturizers.
9. Try to add vitamin A, vitamin E rich foods in your diet.
10. Stay hydrated in the winter. Try to take the juices and drinks.
11. Use a mild face wash sensitive to your skin type. Try avoiding excess washing of the face. At this time, your skin needs a good moisturizer essentially, so use one at least twice to thrice daily.
12. Protect
13. Get used to wearing gloves and scarves to protect skin from cold winds, rain, and snow. Also, don’t forget the sunscreen. Winter sun can be just as damaging as the summer sun.
14. Humidify
15. Heating systems dry out the air, so consider installing a humidifier in your home, particularly in your bedroom, to put moisture back into the air and help prevent your skin from drying out.
16. Avoid Toxins, Specifically Allergens, and Irritants
17. Particularly if you have eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis, you have to avoid allergens and irritants that may trigger a flare-up. Winter skin is more fragile, so avoid irritating fabrics (like wool) and chemical-laden detergents, and use mild cleansers and moisturizers designed for sensitive skin.
18. Eating foods high in water content can help hydrate your skin from the inside out. Try watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, oranges, kiwi, and watery veggies like celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin C.