Get Phone Consultation with Doctors at Guduchi Ayurveda
Consult with Doctor.
How It Works
Convenient & Safe:
Talk on phone from Your Home.
No need to visit Hospitals
Private & Confidential.
Prescription & Medicines:
Get a Valid Prescription from Registered Doctors. Get Your Medicines from our Online Pharmacy for 15% less.
All Departments. Lakhs of Patients Healed
Skin & Hair Issues | Diet & Nutrition | Muscle & Joint Pain |
Weight Management | PCOD | Infertility |
Respiratory, Cough & Cold | Heart Issues | Thyroid Issues |
Diabetes | Liver | All other Departments |
Let Ayurveda & our doctors heal you well for any remedies that you seek.
Skin & Hair Issues | Diet & Nutrition |
Weight Management | PCOD |
Infertility | Respiratory, Cough & Cold |
Heart Issues | Thyroid Issues |
Diabetes | Liver |
Muscle & Joint Pain | All other Departments |
Patient Speak
"I am having a problem with high cholestrol and I wanted to try some medicine which is natural. I found Obesidat a complete ayurvedic product from Guduchi. It helped me to reduce my weight without any sideeffects. Thanks to Guduchi."
"Happy with Doctor friendliness, Explanation of the health issue, Treatment satisfaction, Value for money. Excellent experience, gives detailed explanation of what your issues are and what you can expect from the prescribed medication."
Kameerath Kareem
"I started taking Obesidat, It improved my metabolism. I really felt very good about it and I've lost 3 kgs in First 30 days. I trusted Guduchi products as they are natural and ayurvedic."